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I. JESUS’ LAST WEEK IN JERUSALEM (Part 1) (19:45-20:47)

A. Jesus enters temple area and cleanses it by driving out those who sold oxen and sheep (19:45-48).

1. Jesus continues to teach daily in the temple – people listen, and authorities seek the opportunity to destroy Him.  

 B. Jesus’ authority questioned: Jesus offers a counter-question (20:1-8).

C. Jesus teaches the Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen- plight of those who reject God’s king and kingdom (20:9-18).

D. Jesus hears captious questions and give authoritative answers (20:19-40).

E. Jesus asks probing questions concerning the Christ being David’s son (20:41-44).

F. Jesus warns of and denounces the ways of the scribes (20:45-47).   


1. What was one of the first acts of Jesus when He entered Jerusalem?  Had He done this before?

2. What had those who sold make the temple out to be?


 (a). The chief priests:

 (b). The scribes:

 (c).  The elders:

4. What hindered the authorities from killing Jesus when they desired to do so?

5. Explain what Jesus was teaching and preaching?

6. Why did Jesus not answer directly the question about the authority behind His deeds?

7. What are two sources for authority? What were the implications of each source regarding the baptism of John?

8. In the Parable of the Husbandmen, who did they characterize?

9. What was the Lord of the vineyard going to do to the husbandmen?  What was the reaction of the scribes and chief priests?

10. What two characteristics of “the stone” does Jesus present?  To whom or what does Psalm 118:22 refer?

11. What plan did the Jewish authorities execute in order to deliver Jesus up to the governor?  Was it successful?

12. In the realm of serving God, is there room to pay tribute to civil governments?  How would Jesus answer this question?

13. What did the Sadducees teach?

14. What was the basis for their proposed circumstance, presented as a difficult question unto Jesus?

15. Why was the question not difficult for Jesus to answer?

16. Jesus used what method of teaching to establish the fact of the resurrection from the dead?

17. What was Jesus proving by referring to Psalm110:1?

18. Why will the scribes receive “greater condemnation?”