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A. Manifested to Jews in Jerusalem during Passover (2:12-25)

1. Jesus drives out money changers in temple with scourge of cords – Father’s house made house of merchandise.

a. “zeal for thy house shall eat me up” (Psm. 69:9)

2. Jews ask for sign of authority to drive men out of the temple – Jesus offers figurative sign of his resurrection.

a. Destroy this temple (Jesus’ body), I (Christ) will raise it up in three days.

b. Jesus’ own disciples remembered this AFTER Jesus was raised from the dead.

3. Many believed on Christ’s name – but Jesus does not trust Himself to men.

a. Believed through beholding the signs he did.

b. yet, Jesus knew all men and knew what was in man.

B. Manifested to Nicodemus (3:1-21).

            1. Nicodemus understood through signs that Jesus was from God.

a. Rabbi – teacher

b. God indeed with Jesus.

2. Jesus proclaims that men must be born anew if they are to enter the kingdom of heaven.

a. Jesus speaks of spiritual birth.

b. Nicodemus thinks of physical birth.

3. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness to save his people, Jesus as the Son of man must be lifted up (die) in order to save His people.

a. Manifestation of God’s great love.

b. Manifested not to judge, but to save.

    (1).  He that believeth, not judged – comes to the light

    (2).  He that believeth not is judged already

    (3).  Light has come – yet people love darkness and hate the reproving light.

C. John proclaims Jesus as the Son of God in Aenon, near Salim (3:22-36)

            1. Jesus nearby in land of Judaea making disciples.

2.  Question of purifying turns to question of Jesus’ greater popularity than John.

3. John proclaims that Christ is the Son of God and above all.

a. Jesus is the bridegroom – John the friend of the bridegroom

b. Jesus must increase – John must decrease.

c. Jesus comes from above – and above all.

d. Jesus speaks the words of God.

e. Jesus has received from His loving Father all things.

f. Therefore, He that believeth on Son hath eternal life – He that obeyeth not the Son has God’s wrath.


1. What occasion brings Jesus to Jerusalem?

2. Why does Jesus drive out the people and the animals from the temple?

3. What did Jesus’ disciples remember when they saw Him drive out the Jews from the temple?

4. In 2:18, to what two events do the Jews refer?

5. Did Jesus’ rejection by the Jews take God by surprise?

6. When did Jesus’ disciples understand His words?

7. Why did Jesus not trust Himself to men when they saw and believed His signs?

8. What did Nicodemus already know about Jesus?   How?

9. What must happen before one can enter the kingdom of heaven?

10. When Jesus speaks of the mysterious wind in vs. 8, is He speaking of the NEW BIRTH or the ONE born anew?

11. Did Nicodemus understand the teachings of Jesus?

12. What event is understood in Jesus being “lifted up”?

13. To what event does this relate to in Moses’ day?

14. How does John 3:15 help us know the kind of faith necessary for salvation presented in John 3:16?

15. What did Jesus not come to earth to do?

16. How do people seal their judgment?

17. What was Jesus doing that caused some to come and question John?

18. What two facts does John present to show no problem existed between him and Jesus?

19. What did John testify as to the origin of Jesus?

20. What does “He giveth not the spirit by measure” mean in 3:34?

21. What conditions exist that keeps one from the wrath of God and allows one to enjoy eternal life?



A. Manifested to the Samaritan woman and her neighbors (4:1-42)

1. Jesus departs Judea – “must need” pass through Samaria (4:1-6)

a. Word is out that He is making more disciples than John.

b. God’s work must be accomplished.

c. Disciples depart into city to buy food.

2. Jesus speaks with woman concerning the gift of “living water” (4:7-26)

a. Woman surprised that Jesus (Jewish man) would ask water of her (Samaritan woman).

b. Jesus offers her the spiritual and eternal life-giving water – yet she thinks in terms of thirst quenching literal water.

c. Jesus’ knowledge of her personal life moves her to confess that He is a prophet.

d. Jesus responds to her question about the place of worship by teaching that God’s true worshippers worship Him “in spirit and in truth.”

3. Disciples return surprised to see Jesus talking with a woman – but none question Him as to “what” or “why” (4:27-38).

a. Woman leaves water pot to tell her neighbors of the one “who told me all things that ever I did.”

1. Her open question: “Can this be the Christ?”

2. People of the city come to see for themselves.

b. Disciples plead with Christ to eat – Christ points out that His “meat” is to accomplish God’s work.

1. Jesus encourages disciples to focus on the harvest of souls before them, and pray for laborers.

4. Many of the Samaritans believe on Christ (4:39-42).

            a. Some believe because of the woman’s words.

b. Many more believe because of His word during two day visit with Jesus – confessed that Jesus “is the Saviour of the world.”

B. Manifested to the nobleman of Capernaum – Jesus heals his son (4:43-54)

            1. Jesus leaves after two day visit in Samaria for Galilee (4:43-45).

a. Reason:  to avoid honor that might cause premature conflict with Pharisees – He knows a prophet is without honor in his own country”

2. In Cana, Jesus heals a nobleman’s son who is in Capernaum near death (4:46-54)

a. The man asks Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal son – Jesus sees heart that will only believe by seeing miracles.

b. Jesus speaks the word that son is healed – man believes word.

c. Belief strengthened when man finds out the next day on his way to Capernaum that the hour Jesus spoke, the fever left.

d. The second sign Jesus did after coming out of Judea into Galilee.


1. Why did Jesus leave Judea?

2. Why was it mandatory for Jesus to pass through Samaria?

3. Identify “the Samaritans”:

4. What is meant by: “for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans”?

5. Explain what Jesus offered the woman?  


6. Give examples that illustrate the kind of living water she has in mind?

7. Out of all that Jesus said, what part of the conversation was on her mind when she went to tell others about the one she met?  

8. What is meant by Jesus’ statement that salvation is of the Jews?

9. From “where” and “how” does one offer God acceptable worship?

10. Give the progression of this woman’s concept of Jesus:

11. What did Jesus confess to be?

12. What did Jesus encourage the disciples to see and do?

13. What did the Samaritans confess about Christ?

14. How did they come to their conclusion?

15. Why did Jesus depart into Galilee?

16. What did Jesus say about a weakness, in the nobleman’s faith?

17. What did Jesus do to strengthen the nobleman’s faith?

18. Jesus was in Capernaum when He miraculously healed the nobleman’s son.  (T)  (F)  

19. Was this miracle the second sign Jesus had done in his ministry?  (Explain).