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A. Jesus’ charge to His apostles (v. 1-6).

B. Herod the tetrarch (Antipas) is anxious over hearing of miracles (v. 7-9).

C. Jesus miraculously feeds and five thousand (v. 10-17).

D. Peter’s confession concerning Jesus (v. 18-20)

E. Jesus’ first prediction of his death and resurrection (v.21-27)

F. The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain (v. 28-36)

G. Jesus heals the boy troubled by a demon (v. 37-43a).

H. Jesus’ second prediction of His death (v. 43b-45)

I. Jesus uses a child to teach apostles who are arguing over who is the greatest       (v. 46-48).

J. Jesus teaches John of one who was casting out demons in Jesus’ name (v. 49-50).


1. Over what did Jesus give his apostles power or authority?


2. Jesus sent the twelve to preach (a) the kingdom of God (b) gospel (c) a & b.

3. Why did Jesus not allow His apostles to take wallet, money or bread for their preaching journey?

4. Explain the apparent contradiction of Luke 9:3 – not to take a staff, and Mk. 6:8 – take a staff only.  

5. What did the action, “shake off the dust from your feet” mean?  

6. Why did Herod want to see Jesus?


7. To where did Jesus try to withdraw with His apostles?


8. What was Jesus’ reaction to the people who found Him and His apostles?

9. What did Jesus say to the apostles contemplating the feeding of the multitude of people?  Why did He say this?

10. How much food did Jesus give thanks over?  How many were fed?  How much food was left over?

11. What was Jesus doing apart from the disciples?

12. Who did the multitudes say Jesus was?  Peter confessed Jesus was the ______________ of _______________.  

13. Why did Jesus not want the facts of this confession made known?

14. What three conditions are necessary if we are to truly follow Jesus?

15. Give Jesus’ comparison to show someone the value of their soul?

16. How does one show they are ashamed of Jesus?  What is the consequence?

17. What are two necessary conclusions if “the kingdom of God” has not come yet?

18. What happened when Jesus was “transfigured?”

19. In the mountain, who appeared and talked with Jesus?  What were they discussing?

20. What is the meaning of seeing Jesus alone along with the voice from Heaven?

21. Why could not the disciples of Jesus cast out the demon from the young boy?  

22. What saying of Jesus puzzled His disciples?

23. What were the apostles reasoning about in their hearts?

24. What was Jesus’ message in using the child in response to their reasoning?

25. Who was casting out demons in Jesus’ name?

 (a). Why did John forbid him?

(b). Why did Jesus allow him?